
Efficient processing for electronic tax returns and First Day Notification

When you request PwC to take care of your payroll tax return or VAT/icp , you may wish to use our digital portal: PwC.digitalservices. You can also use this digital service offering when you are required to register new employees with the Tax authorities through ‘First-day notification’.


You are obliged to submit your tax return electronically to the Tax authorities. Under exceptional circumstances, you are required to register new employees electronically with the Tax authorities through a first-day notification. With our digital portal PwC.digitalservices, we can help you make this process as easy and efficient as possible.
PwC.digitalservices (hereinafter: PwC DS) is a secure and easily accessible portal on which you can inspect, check and approve your payroll tax returns or VAT/icp returns. Upon your approval and authorisation, PwC DS will automatically submit your tax return to the Dutch tax authorities. The only thing you need to take care of yourself is to pay any amount due on time. 

When do you qualify for a First-day notitication?

You are usually not required to submit a first-day notification, as the general obligation to register new employees with the Tax authorities has been cancelled. Under specific circumstances (fraud or illegal labour) the Tax authorities may oblige you to submit first-day notifications over a three-year period. Only in the event that you have received a notice from the Tax authorities are you required to submit a first-day notification.

How does PwC DS work?

We will send you an authenticated digital certificate that provides you secure access to PwC DS and to your digital tax return. This certificate also enables you to undersign your tax return electronically. Should you not yet have approved your tax return, you will receive a timely reminder by email prior to the last date for submission. The risk that you do not submit your tax return to the Tax authority on time will be much smaller. The system also has a digital archive, so that you will be able to retrieve and view your previous tax returns at any time.

Additional questions

If you have additional questions or do not agree with the tax return we have prepared for you, you will be able to ‘reject’ the tax return. The tax return will then as it were be ‘restored’ in the process. The compiler of the tax return at PwC will immediately receive a notification by email. He/she will deal with this and after any amendment is made to the tax return, it will be represented to you through PwC DS. Once you agree with the amended tax return, you will still be able to approve and authorise the tax return.  

Should you be interested in this service or have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact you regular contact at PwC. If you do not yet have a contact at PwC, you can find a contact near you on our offices page or contact Harold Kelder.

Specific conditions PwC.DS

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Manual tax return service

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Harold Kelder

Informatiemanager TRS, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 333 48 71
