HR Insights: data analysis on payroll tax return

The digital payroll tax form (also known as ‘payroll tax form’) has existed since 2006. After analysing a large number of employers, including AEX companies, family-run businesses and hospitals, we can conclude that a totally accurate and complete tax return is quite the exception. And then to think that you as an employer are totally responsible for the quality and completeness of the tax return. To help you submit returns to the Tax and Customs Administration that are totally accurate and complete, we have developed the HR Insights tool.

HR Insights
Payroll tax return

Payroll tax return

Each employer submits the digital payroll tax form to the Tax and Customs Administration. In each payment period, the Tax and Customs Administration receives a payroll tax form containing 137 different sections per employee.

Not only the Tax and Customs Administration, but also the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV), Statistics Netherlands (CBS), municipalities, pension funds, the Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Service (FIOD) and bailiffs (in total approximately 40 purchasers) populate their databases based on the information in your payroll tax form. In other words: errors in the payroll tax form can have consequences for your current and former employees, as well as for yourself. A correctly filled out return and complete information are of huge importance.

In control of your payroll tax form through data analysis

PwC has extensive experience in conducting data analyses on payroll tax forms. Using around 70 comprehensive checks and cross-checks of the payroll tax returns, our high-end analysis tool clearly identifies your points for attention. Furthermore, since we use your payroll tax returns, it will only take you a few minutes to collect the relevant data and send it to us via our secure connection. The results of the data analysis are eventually displayed clearly in an interactive dashboard with observations and recommendations. This dashboard allows you to drill-down to the employee level. You can select the period or department you wish to analyse. We would be happy to discuss our report with you at your office and can of course offer you further assistance in view of the results.

We are continuously developing our data analysis techniques. For example, following the incentive allowance for employers providing employment to low-income workers that was introduced as of 1 January 2017, we have added an analysis that allows us to show you how to optimise this subsidy. From 1 January 2020, we have enhanced the data analysis with a dashboard that provides insight into the costs of the Balanced Labour Market Act (WAB). Have we aroused your curiosity? Please view our animation alongside or get in touch with us directly.

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PwC's payroll tax data analytics tool

PwC's payroll tax data analytics tool analyses all data of your payroll tax return. The analysis helps your organisation to get and stay in control, by detecting errors and by identifying cost savings and efficiency opportunities.

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Daniël Sternfeld

Daniël Sternfeld

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 089 28 89

Magdalene Vliegenthart-den Hartogh

Magdalene Vliegenthart-den Hartogh

Senior Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 061 56 92
