SDGs and tax

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address the most pressing global issues, such as hunger, inequality and climate change. They all call explicitly on the business world and other organisations to contribute to sustainable development. Our experts would like to help you to integrate the SDGs into your tax strategy.

Taxation plays an essential role in achieving the SDGs. On the one hand, as taxes are required for governments to make the necessary environmental and social investments. On the other hand, through the tax impact of organisations on the SDGs. The UN Global Compact together with the GRI made this concrete through tax-related business actions such as ‘paying fair share of taxes’, ‘prevent using tax avoidance mechanisms’, and ‘engaging in responsible tax practices from tax planning and public transparency undertaking impact assessments of corporate tax policy and practice’. 

Organisations are integrating the SDGs into their business strategy and the core of their activities. This also requires that more attention is given to the organisation’s contribution to the SDGs in their tax strategy.

How can we help you

Based on our extensive experience in sustainable tax as well as the SDGs, we can help you to integrate the SDGs into your tax strategy. Further, we can measure the impact on the SDGs from a tax perspective. Our services include:

  • Designing and implementing a long-term sustainable tax strategy along the lines of the ‘Tax governance and sustainable tax’- framework. Whereby we take into account the specifics of the organisation in relation to region, country, industry and any other organisational specific perspectives;
  • Determination of tax risks and opportunities in relation to the SDGs as selected by the organisation in light of its ESG policy;
  • Determination of key SDG tax performance indicators for the tax department; 
  • Assisting in communicating about the tax impact on the SDGs in your internal and public documents, such as your sustainability report, and other tax transparency reports;
  • Assistance with the necessary data management and use of technology, strategic steering, analysis and reporting (e.g. dashboarding);
  • Providing (pre-)assurance on your tax (transparency) reports including assurance on GRI 207: tax and / or Total Tax Contribution reports.

'Tax governance and sustainable tax'-framework

Tax transparency
Tax transparency
Tax transparency
Tax transparency
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Keetie Jakma

Keetie Jakma

Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 856 59 73
