Deals - The Indirect Tax essentials

The momentum for mergers and acquisitions remains good. The M&A Outlook 2023 shows that CEOs see merging with or acquiring other companies as a quick and effective way to achieve strategic goals. Important is to perform diligence and look at other indirect tax items relevant in the transaction and transformation process ( VAT recovery on transaction costs, or a VAT compliance process and VAT configuration of a new ERP system in case of carve-outs or integrations). During the webcast, we will provide practical guidance on how best to take this into account from a broader indirect tax perspective - before, during and after a deal.

Target Audience

We aim at everyone working in the tax or legal field, such as CEOs, CFOs, Tax, Legal or finance directors and managers.

Contact us

Robert Lantman

Robert Lantman

Partner - Indirect Taxes, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 183 82 79

Sharon Neven

Sharon Neven

Senior Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 015 23 92

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Contact us

Ronald Dunsbergen

Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 483 98 98
