Sustainable employment conditions and equal pay (Dutch)

Organisations are increasingly forced by stakeholders to become more sustainable. Employees' demands on terms of employment are also changing. It is increasingly challenging for organisations to recruit and retain talent. And how do sustainable working conditions and equal pay affect your reputation as an employer? How can data help to provide insight? We will discuss the fiscal and legal aspects of this topic with you during this webcast.


  • Welcome and introduction
  • Sustainable working conditions
    • Legal frame
    • Fiscal frame
  • Equal pay
    • Legal frame
    • Dashboarding

Target audience

We aim at all people working as Finance Professionals,  e.g CFO, Finance, Tax, Legal and HR directors, managers and professionals.

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Contact us

Ronald Dunsbergen

Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 483 98 98
