About December 2018

Digital transformation

Successful digital transformation is characterized by a combination of business, experience and technology. Be inspired by the stories of Deltares, albelli, GiantLeaps, ING, Google and The Employment Group. And read the interviews with cybersecurity expert Christopher Painter and top economist Daron Acemoglu.

Twann Verhoeven - Deltares
Financial project management
Artificial intelligence can help organisations to recognise patterns at an early stage and also – by analysing data at lightning speed – to predict the outcome of a project."Within just five weeks, this pilot project has given us a great deal of insight into how we control our financial projects"
Tristan Money - albelli
Making a photo book in less than a minute
2019 will be another exciting year for albelli, one of Europe’s largest photo book suppliers. 'Artificial intelligence will help us making things easier for our customers.'
Monique Moos - The Employment Group
The number one mediator in job satisfaction
With its pragmatic d.quarks methodology, PwC provides building blocks for the digital transformation of existing business models. This has led to an integrated IT platform at The Employment Group.
Anand Autar - ING
Early warning system for credit risks
Working with Google and PwC, ING Bank has developed a digital credit risk alert system for multinationals, public authorities, and financial institutions. “We had a proof of concept within just twelve weeks.”

Contact us

Eric de Bie

Eric de Bie

Hoofdredactie Inzake, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)64 613 60 38

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