About June 2019

Promising innovations

Companies who want to maintain their right to exist will not be able to avoid constantly adapting to new market developments. Sustainable, promising innovations will make the difference in 2019. Both in the profit and non-profit sectors. You can read all about it in this edition of About.

Read also...

How to balance data protection and room to innovate

It is time to 'reinvent' the distribution of wealth, warns Erik Brynjolfsson, professor of digital economy at the Sloan School of Management of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in conversation with PwC's chief economist Jan Willem Velthuijsen.

Read the interview with Erik Brynjolfsson

Contact us

Eric de Bie

Eric de Bie

Hoofdredactie Inzake, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)64 613 60 38

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