Find out about BXT at PwC's Experience Center

PwC’s BXT method combines business management, customer experience, and technology. In our specially designed Experience Centre in Amsterdam, companies and organisations can find out what impact the digital transformation will have for their customers and employees.

Business, eXperience, Technology

Coping with the complexity of large-scale transformation projects nowadays takes more than just calling in strategic or technological advice. The biggest challenges involve three main elements: Business, eXperience, and Technology. When a problem is approached from all three of these perspectives, solutions emerge that would not have been considered if only one of the three had been taken into account. It’s also important that the transformation begins and ends with the end user, because that’s whose experience always remains central.

Experience Center

The starting point for the BXT method is a multidisciplinary approach. Business experts, programmers, user experience designers, industrial designers, creative minds, customers and also end users cooperate to create unique and sustainable experiences and services. The Experience Centre is a physical environment in which they can innovate together and in just a short period of time – thinking creatively, co‑creating, and testing out prototypes and solutions. This allows stakeholders not just to find out what impact an organisational change will have for their customers and employees but also to quickly clarify the next step in the transformation process.

The best of three worlds

The success of the BXT method comes from the combination of PwC’s knowledge and expertise in the areas of Business, eXperience, and Technology. Extensive knowledge of industries and sectors, deep domain expertise, and long-term customer relationships are linked to technological alliances – for example with Salesforce, Google, Oracle, Workday – and emerging technologies and techniques such as data analytics and artificial intelligence. You can experience – literally – the possibilities that this offers at the Experience Centre.


To find out more about how BXT and PwC’s Experience Center can help your organisation move forward, contact Berry Driessen, Experience Center Lead NL.

Contact us

Berry Driessen

Berry Driessen

Experience Consulting Lead, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)63 987 32 71

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