About March 2019

Fully customer-focussed

Being fully customer-focussed is possible in four steps. This is proven by the story with Unit4 in this edition of About. Let yourself be further inspired by Itho Daalderop, Tilburg Institute for Family Business, FOODLOGICA and trend watcher Steven Van Belleghem. And read about PwC's SDG Dome, Global Consumer Insights Survey and CEO Survey.

Francesca Miazzo – FOODLOGICA
Sustainable food transportation
FOODLOGICA uses solar-powered e-bikes to transport food for local sustainable food producers, restaurants, caterers and food box companies. “We want to clean the last mile of the food system.”
Victor ter Beke – Unit 4
Fully customer-focussed in four steps
Unit4 decided to convert its domestic businesses portfolio into transparent “bundles” in line with the needs of specific customer segments. "Focusing on the customer’s needs has ensured that our departments also work together even more effectively and efficiently.”
Geert Vervaeke (UvT) and Diederik van Dommelen (PwC)
Tilburg Institute for Family Business
Tilburg University and PwC have joined forces in the Tilburg Institute for Family Business (TIFB). The aim is to strengthen knowledge generation about family businesses in the Netherlands.
David Eddes – Itho Daalderop
Successful digital transformation
“Digitalisation raised all kinds of questions for our firm about data, security and connectivity. PwC used the d.quarks method to help us analyse its operations and identify what skills it would need to take the next step in our digital transformation.”

Read also...

Leadership and new technologies crucial for realising SDGs

Organisations in the Netherlands are struggling to make their contribution to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations concrete and to include it in their strategy. Commitment from the top and new technologies can contribute to the realisation of the SDGs.

More about SDGs

Global Consumer Insights Survey 2019

In addition to the traditional return on investment (ROI), a new customer metrics is now relevant to determine the success of a company: return on experience (ROX), according to the tenth edition of PwC's Global Consumer Insights Survey (GCIS) of 21,000 online consumers in 27 countries.

More about our Global Consumer Insights Survey 2019

PwC's 22nd CEO Survey

Dutch CEOs are optimistic about economic growth, but they are also concerned. Not only about developments that affect their market, but also about the economic, political and social environment in which they operate.

More about our 22nd CEO Survey

Contact us

Eric de Bie

Eric de Bie

Hoofdredactie Inzake, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)64 613 60 38

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