A good business climate requires vision and cooperation

A sustainable and resilient economy is crucial for the prosperity and well-being of the Netherlands. Such an economy requires a good business climate. A climate in which government and business cooperate well and policy is predictable, in which the Netherlands has the best (digital) infrastructure and in which a future-proof tax system is the foundation. PwC wants to contribute to this by building a bridge between government and business. By using research to enrich the social debate on the business climate and by providing solutions for bottlenecks in policy.

A good business climate requires vision and cooperation
Semicon in NL

Semicon in NL

It is widely known that Dutch companies are leading in the semiconductor industry. The publication Semicon in NL describes the impressive ecosystem around semiconductors, with a turnover of nearly thirty billion euros and employment for sixty thousand FTEs. However, this report also points out a risk: if suppliers become too dependent on a few very big players, it limits their growth in other adjacent markets. That could cost them six billion euros in the long run.   

Read the report here  

Our research reports

The quiet strength of the Dutch family business

Family businesses show resilience and increasing innovation

Read the report

Made in NL

The value of the high-tech manufacturing industry

Read the report here


Half of Dutch jobs might be changed by GenAI

Read the publication

CEO Survey 

Our 2024 CEO Survey shows that forty percent of CEOs surveyed sometimes consider moving operational activities abroad. Regulation is a factor that plays a major role in that consideration. 55 percent of Dutch CEOs regard regulation as a factor that drives organisational change in the coming years.

Read the results of PwC's 27th CEO Survey

CEO Survey
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Contact us

Agnes Koops-Aukes

Agnes Koops-Aukes

Chair of the board of management, PwC Netherlands

Barbara Baarsma

Barbara Baarsma

Chief economist, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 420 47 07
