Incident Response Retainer services

Cyber security incidents are firmly on the agenda, not just for boards, but for regulators, customers, and investors too. 

The scale and sophistication of these incidents is increasing every year, and keeping pace with evolving attacker tools, techniques and procedures can feel like an impossible task.

You don’t want to wait for the inevitable. You want to be prepared, with confidence in your ability to manage the threats and risks you face.

Our incident response retainer services will provide your organisation with this confidence, and allow for rapid and on-demand access to a pool of highly skilled and experienced incident response professionals around the world, as well as a range of other PwC services designed to support you in a crisis.

We are more than just another service provider; we aim to work as an extension of your team, supporting you in your incident response journey. 

We ensure that our teams (both in the Netherlands and at agreed overseas locations) maintain currency with your people, processes and technology meaning that should you require our assistance we can deploy with the minimum time and cost overhead.

Our incident response retainers can also be extended to meet your specific needs. This includes holding our teams at a higher level of response readiness, shortening response SLAs, and providing additional readiness services to improve your in-house capability.

Our incident response retainer include:

  1. Initial and ongoing workshops to understand your business, IT infrastructure, and existing incident response policies and procedures, and ensure an effective response.
  2. On-site and remote response SLAs.
  3. Multiple escalation channels including a 24/7 emergency response telephone hotline.
  4. Real-time virtual communication enabled by Slack with the PwC incident response team to ensure we are an extension of your team, and not just another service provider.
  5. Crisis preparedness and management support where it is needed, from board-level to first-responder teams.
  6. Access to our customised incident reporting templates, and a range of other PwC resources.
  7. Unused retainer hours can be used on readiness and cyber security advisory services, to maximise your return on investment.
  8. Rapid access to a range of additional cyber security services (including threat intelligence and threat detection) to inform wider security strategy.

Why choose PwC as your incident response retainer partner?

  • We were rated as a leader in the Forrester Wave Q3 2017 report on Digital Forensics and Incident Response service providers.
  • As well as a depth of technical knowledge, we understand the business, legal and regulatory context that underpins your operations.
  • Our expert staff, handpicked from the military and security services, have years of experience identifying and responding to a range of incidents on some of the world’s most sensitive networks.
  • Our services are powered by in-house threat intelligence and threat detection capabilities, providing unrivalled insight into the latest attacker techniques

"Our retainers provide global, on-demand, 24x7x365 access to a specialist cyber incident response team in the event of a cyber incident."

Contact us

Gerwin Naber

Gerwin Naber

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 150 75 75

Tom Driehuys

Tom Driehuys

Partner, Advisory Cyber Forensics & Privacy, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 383 29 69
