Offensive and Defensive Security

The best defence is a good offence

Cyber risk has become a focus for regulators, customers and other stakeholders, and should be a board agenda item at every company. Whilst the risks may be well known, too often they are not clearly quantified and remain in the heads of technical experts in the IT function. Penetration testing and red teaming are key tools that management can use to shine a light on cyber defences. Our penetration testing and red teaming capabilities allow our clients to identify their information security risks, understand their impact on the business, and mitigate critical security risks before they lead to financial or reputational loss.

Offensive Cyber Security

Would your business survive a real world cyber attack? Identify critical vulnerabilities in your defences and provide key risk insights to stakeholders.

Ethical hacking exercises are an effective way to test an organisation's prevention and detection capabilities with real world cyber attack scenarios. However, to get the most value from these exercises, they should be approached as programmatic, strategic exercises that deliver intelligence driven insight into new or emerging weaknesses in a business.

Our penetration testing services apply tailored testing methodologies to identify security vulnerabilities that could be exploited by real world threat actors. We offer a number of different penetration testing services depending on the technology under test and the attack scenario being emulated, such as web application, internal infrastructure, active directory and external infrastructure penetration testing.

Red team exercises are a different form of assessment. The aim of red teaming is to replicate the techniques used by real world attackers by delivering bespoke intelligence driven simulated attack exercises that assess the full suite of defence in depth controls, including the often overlooked areas of people and processes. Our red team helps organisations understand how they can defend themselves against a cyber attack with a particular goal in mind, such as gaining access to a critical application, stealing privileged information or investigating susceptibility to ransomware. We further focus our approach based on the risk profile for each client to make our ethical hacking services as realistic and tailored as possible.

Purple teaming is the next step in strengthening your security posture and preparing you to defend against real-world cyber threats. Purple teaming is a collaborative cybersecurity approach that combines offensive and defensive strategies. We work closely with your blue team to simulate real-world attack scenarios and assess the effectiveness of your security controls. By leveraging our expertise, we identify vulnerabilities and provide tailored insights to enhance your defences. Our approach focuses on collaboration, knowledge sharing, and aligning with your specific goals and risk profile. We deliver tailored solutions that will increase the detection and response gaps we might encounter during the purple team exercise, and can accelerate purple teaming exercises via atomic testing and automated threat mapping on your environment.

Defensive Cyber Security

Build your threat resistance through forward-looking intelligence and defensive capabilities, to thrive during cyber-attacks.

Our technical Defensive Cyber Security team helps in preventing cyber attacks, is monitoring malicious behaviour and is responding adequately.

Leveraging threat informed defence we help identify and improve your resilience against attack tactics that are relevant for your business or industry, by translating threat intelligence into actionable preventive and detective controls. We draft your specific threat landscape, detail the attack tactics that applicable threat actors use and drill-down how to improve your defence against those attack tactics.

Our technical consultancy team will collaborate with your team to develop a comprehensive SOC strategy that aligns with your organisation's unique goals and risk profile. We conduct a thorough assessment of your current security infrastructure, identify any gaps or weaknesses, and design a roadmap for enhancing your SOC capabilities.

We will analyse your existing SOC use cases and fine-tune them to maximise their effectiveness in detecting and responding to potential security incidents. Based on our Global Threat Intelligence capabilities, we will identify gaps in the SOC use cases, if your organisation is currently not detecting a very relevant attack procedure. We will work closely with your team to understand your organisation's specific threats and risks, and develop use cases that provide early detection and rapid response.

We will assess your SOC processes and workflows to identify areas for improvement and streamline your operations. Our consultants will work with your team to optimise incident response procedures, resource allocation, and collaboration between different teams within the SOC.

We believe in empowering your internal teams to effectively manage and operate your SOC. Our technical consultancy services include comprehensive training sessions and knowledge transfer to equip your staff with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Our server and network security offerings are intended to strengthen enterprise security and limit breach, while maintaining compliance for regulations. We help companies secure their network to prevent, detect and monitor access from malicious external or internal actors (hackers or disgruntled employees).

Our cloud security assessments offer a holistic approach to assessing and improving the security of your cloud systems, including custom security checks on both the technology and the processes you’re using. We help you to identify the current level of maturity of your cloud architecture and assess how secure your cloud environment is – whichever cloud provider or service model you’re using. As part of our architecture assessments, we assess security measures for all levels of your cloud service architecture – both those which are planned and those which have already been implemented. This gives an overview of weaknesses in the architecture and generates recommendations to ensure protection against, detection of, and response to relevant cybersecurity threats.

Do you want to learn more about Offensive Cyber Security?

Contact us

Angeli Hoekstra

Angeli Hoekstra

Partner Cybersecurity & Privacy, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)63 086 15 22

Bram van Tiel

Bram van Tiel

Partner Cybersecurity & Dataprivacy, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 243 29 62

Mimoent Haddouti

Mimoent Haddouti

Cybersecurity Partner, PwC Netherlands

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