Portfolio Rationalisation

Optimise security tooling and Total Cost of Ownership with PwC’s Portfolio Rationalisation

With the advancement of cybersecurity incidents in both reach and occurrence, companies are often driven to integrate a wide array of security solutions to address evolving threats. However, this strategy can create a complex and susceptible software landscape, without proper insight into or handling of security stacks. The proliferation of security point solutions available for adoption, although intended to remediate cybersecurity threats, can inadvertently lead to a complex and often redundant technological landscape - potentially hindering organisations from reaching a robust cyber risk management posture.

In transitioning to a simpler and more secure stack management, PwC's and Microsoft's Portfolio Rationalization solutions have been developed collaboratively to offer an efficient method to declutter security technology stacks. Providing a comprehensive assessment of security capabilities, tools, and interfaces across the enterprise. 

By pinpointing opportunities to optimise, streamline and enhance the security capabilities of existing technology portfolios, our Portfolio Rationalisation services support organisations with:

  • An up-to-date tool inventory
  • Understanding and leveraging existing security tools’ capabilities
  • Maturity assessments of existing tools
  • An integrated roadmap with short and long-term projects for rationalisation
  • Prioritising rapidly achievable improvement areas
  • A shared future-state cybersecurity program with a robust tool portfolio

Portfolio Rationalisation can ultimately benefit organisations with:

  • Enhanced visibility into and control of cybersecurity technologies
  • Identification of overlapping capabilities and unused technology functions
  • Improved integration of technologies to streamline security monitoring
  • Informed strategic purchasing and licence renewal decisions
  • Cost comparison benefits of multiple point solutions
  • Reduction in cybersecurity spending

Organisational C-suite’s are insisting on modernising and improving their technology infrastructure to manage the complex inventory of applications and effectively respond to security threats. Employing too many solutions can create confusion, but rationalisation can produce fewer applications that are easier to manage. Portfolio rationalisation can help secure cloud computing, augment existing cyber compatibility and reduce spending. Portfolio rationalisation can also help companies take advantage of security features in platforms including Microsoft 365

By extending optimisation of the use of existing controls while exploring options of Microsoft E5 subscriptions, organisations can leverage an integrated platform for Cybersecurity, supporting consistent, fit-for-purpose, and enhanced enterprise-wide controls. PwC supports organisations in developing their business case for Portfolio Rationalisation around an existing Microsoft E5 subscription, providing a detailed program plan to implement a Microsoft E5 security platform that integrates key third-party solutions, and identifying areas to consolidate and reduce investments in other security technologies. This approach not only reduces operational costs and risks but also ensures that the controls efficiently advance business goals.

Rationalise your security solutions and reduce spending by identifying and eliminating redundancies. Identify security gaps that can be addressed with your current or desired future state technology. Realise your full potential of existing tools and optimise your usage of them.

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