Secure Software Development

Organisations are building entirely new businesses and platforms as they “go digital”. Other organisations are aggressively pursuing automation as a way to drive out cost and deliver IT, OT and customer experiences more efficiently. However, security is often an afterthought in their journey of transformation.

The adoption of DevOps and high velocity IT environments is creating a greater reliance on development teams to understand and properly implement security controls. Rapid migration to the cloud is causing both redundant security capabilities to be developed while introducing security capability gaps in others. This introduces the risk of a security breach, which can lead to immediate financial losses, irreparable damage to brand reputation, and a significant setback in customer trust.

The services we offer include all aspects of secure software development, covering application security and DevSecOps practices and ranging from governance to secure software delivery. We bring deep Application Security and DevSecOps expertise to the table. We work with multi-disciplinary teams with the right balance of strategy, process, technology and people capabilities.

How can we help your organisation?

  • Verify and evaluate the maturity and effectiveness of your organisation’s software security program. This can give insight into your organisation's security posture, business risks and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Help to integrate strong governance and security principles into your organisation's software delivery model and define a strategy and roadmap for realisation. This will empower your development teams with secure practices while managing business risks by effectively preventing or mitigating software vulnerabilities.
  • Embed security within the software development lifecycle (SDLC) by assessing, designing and or improving your Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. The objective is to have a modern security pipeline with standardised and best in class tooling (such as SAST, DAST, SCA) which can easily be consumed by your organisation’s development teams.

Do you want to learn more about Secure Software Development?

Contact us

Angeli Hoekstra

Angeli Hoekstra

Partner Cybersecurity & Privacy, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)63 086 15 22

Bram van Tiel

Bram van Tiel

Partner Cybersecurity & Dataprivacy, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 243 29 62

Mimoent Haddouti

Mimoent Haddouti

Cybersecurity Partner, PwC Netherlands

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