The management decided to revise the strategy. The company scaled down its acquisition aims outside Europe and is now focusing more on local growth and cooperation within the supply chain.
Our experts in strategy and operational restructuring helped the company with this rapid turnaround. To do so, we first utilised data to calculate what the impact of this shift would be on the organisation.
We then worked together to ensure that this was carried out as efficiently as possible and that we could immediately make improvements to the existing structure and supply chain. In doing so, it was important for the company to remain sufficiently resilient to be able to switch back to its envisaged ambitions when times get better.
In challenging economic conditions, keeping operations healthy is quite difficult. How do you transform into a resilient organisation?
The current unpredictability requires companies to be able to switch quickly in their supply chains to optimise their production to maintain.
Creating more resilience in your workforce requires a broad perspective. Organisational savings are no longer enough.