Resilient workforce

Rethinking what work is done, how it’s done, and where it’s done

When there's an economic downturn, many companies look closely at their costs and where they can cut back or optimise. But that's not enough any more. Creating greater resilience in their workforce requires taking a broad view. Particularly because the labour market will remain under pressure in the coming years due to labour scarcity and quickly rising new technologies. Making and keeping your workforce more resistant, more agile and more resilient, calls for continuous care.

Rethinking what work is done, how it’s done, and where it’s done

Scarcity on the labour market and new technologies

In the coming years a rapidly ageing employee population will be retiring en masse. That means increasingly fewer people will be doing increasingly more work. It is therefore inevitable that you will deploy more and more technology. At the same time, the quick rise of new technologies creates big challenges. What do you invest in and what is your return on that investment? What work can get taken over, for instance by artificial intelligence? And how do you guide employees, whose work gets taken over, to other work?

Resilience within the workforce

In this way, companies can create resilience within their workforce and be better able to deal with unexpected setbacks. One thing is obvious: happy and healthy employees perform better, stay with the company longer, cost less, and cause fewer organisational risks. But what decisions do you make when it comes to performance management, employee engagement, and key talent while working remotely?

Hoe we onze klanten helpen bij een optimale inzet van personeel

How we help our clients optimise staff deployment

With the aid of our digital tools, we give you an in-depth picture of your workforce. We work with you to scan the current situation, monitor progress, and determine the approach needed for a resilient workforce. We assist you in collecting data, gaining insights, and managing and improving the productivity and well-being of your staff.

We do this with a diverse team that looks at your situation from various angles. By bringing together people with different areas of expertise and backgrounds, and combining their different perspectives, ingenuity, and passion with the latest technology, we explore unexpected angles together. We call this the power of our community of solvers.

Get a better grip on your transformation

To ensure that your organisation operates more efficiently and becomes more agile, it is important that your strategic activities are well linked to your business planning. In other words, it is important that the day-to-day running of your organisation contributes to your long-term goals.

Are you curious whether your organisation is well prepared for the challenges of the digital age? Want to know if your current transformation efforts are enough for success? Then go through the questions in our 'Transformation Maturity Profiler'. With this tool you can find out in minutes where you are doing well and where you may need to do more.

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Contact us

Bastiaan Starink

Bastiaan Starink

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 375 58 28

Mona de Boer

Mona de Boer

Partner, Data & Artificial Intelligence, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 088 18 59
