
Distil meaningful information from vast amounts of data

Whereas in the past financial reporting and, increasingly, management reporting were important, CFOs nowadays have to extract as much information as possible from all that vast amount of data which they didn’t realise was meaningful. The great and almost magical promise of new technologies and raw computing power enables them to do things today that seemed impossible even just a few years ago. Enormously powerful analysis tools distil valuable, ready-to-use information from oceans of data, allowing the financial professional to be more forward-looking and specific in guiding management decisions.

How AI will transform the CFO’s role

In every industry, chief financial officers (CFOs) must contend with a variety of challenges, including sluggish growth, new competitors, an evolving workforce, changing business models, exploding amounts of data, greater regulatory complexity and a persistent need to cut costs. In this environment, it’s no longer enough for CFOs to be the financial stewards in their organisations, ensuring finance reports are accurate and complete. In addition, they now need to harness the data flowing through the organisation to take on a more strategic role, helping fellow business leaders see not only where the organisation stands at any given moment, but also where it can and should be next week, next month and next year.

Read more about Artificial Intelligence

Data Analytics

Organisations have enormous quantities of data, most of it digital. Those who can effectively apply data analytics gain valuable insights into their customers and products, business operations and staff. Big Data is the starting point for a differentiated customer experience, process improvement, and risk modelling.

More about Data Analytics

Robotics Process Automotation

Are you looking for sustainable competitive advantage? Then Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a way to improve the quality of your products/services, to put more focus on creating value in the chain and to organize your business more efficiently.

More about Robotics Process Automotation

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a comprehensive technology in which computers are used to make data-driven decisions or perform tasks. Computer intelligence is already being used in almost every sector.

More about Artificial Intelligence

Tech alliances


We help clients achieve their goals with digital technology and turn market opportunities into profit. To do this, we combine Oracle Enterprise Technology with commercial and technological advice - from strategy to execution.

Read more about Oracle


SAP technology supports us in solving our clients complex commercial challenges. We help you through a sector and results-oriented approach by using SAP. In a business transformation, we focus on the entire process, from strategy to execution.

Read more about SAP


Today's market puts constant pressure on organizations to build a work culture that encourages high performance. Talent is now on the agenda of CEOs on a par with financial performance. PwC uses Workday technology to address the issues that are critical to your business.

Read more about Workday

CCH Tagetik

CCH Tagetik (Wolters Kluwer) is a software platform in which all data for the finance function comes together: both data for performance management and for compliance with legislation and regulations (IFRS, GAAP, Solvency II, Basel/CRD, tax).

Read more about CCH Tagetik


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Contact us

Wouter Hoff

Wouter Hoff

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 238 67 81

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