Grip on liquidity crucial for surviving coronacrisis
Edwin van Wijngaarden, partner Business Recovery Services at PwC, explains crticial success factors for effective grip on liquidity.
CFOs need to be prepared and respond faster than ever before to support changing business requirements as much as possible. Doing so demands immediately available state-of-the-art knowhow and flexibility, as well as the courage to depart from the beaten track and explore new possibilities. CFOs have to acquire new knowledge and new skills – technical and digital – to enable their organisation to respond effectively to changes by means of process improvements and target operating models. In the work of the financial professional, transaction processing, for example, can be made infinitely more efficient by means of robotics, cloud ERP systems, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. But before the financial professional can get down to work with robotics, cloud computing, or data analytics – and before the new system can function and perform at its best – all the data and processes must be standardised.
Whether you are or aspire to be a CFO 2.0, the need to shift from scorekeeper to performance driver for your business has never been stronger. You’re expected to be future fit and step beyond traditional finance setup and capabilities; delivering on your organisation’s strategy as a business partner. Integrated Finance Managed Services enables you to meet this challenge; transforming your finance function and pairing it with industry leading expertise and technology.
We help clients achieve their goals with digital technology and turn market opportunities into profit. To do this, we combine Oracle Enterprise Technology with commercial and technological advice - from strategy to execution.
Edwin van Wijngaarden, partner Business Recovery Services at PwC, explains crticial success factors for effective grip on liquidity.
The Philips Global Head of Financial Planning & Analysis speaks candidly about the finance workforce for the future.
"Data is really the core of the future", states Erwin Olijslager, Group Controller at ING. 'That will demand action from our organisation, people, and technology."
"The challenge for every 'financial' is to embrace the new, while maintaining the positive aspects of the old", says Paul Smits.
A major airport wants to increase quality and ensure that the overall finance function is ready for the future.
A digital platform for financial and tax modelling offers an international hygiene and health company stability when extending internal loans.
So as to be transparent for its customers, a lease company devised a model for comparing prices with the market. PwC took care of its implementation in the existing reporting environment. Within that environment, the model is now automatically updated each quarter with data from both internal and external sources.
After a strategic dialogue based on predictive analysis of staff data, an airline has a solid basis for aligning its staffing policy to its strategic targets.