A conversation with Angelien Eijsink about Safety

Former politician Angelien Eijsink and Sanne Maas about Safety

What role can the Dutch defence organisation play to continue to guarantee our safety - now and in the future?

Former politician Angelien Eijsink and Young PwC professional Sanne Maas have a conversation about this topic. They talk about the challenges that lie ahead and the importance of working together to find solutions that work in daily practice. They are inspired by the World Press Photo winning photo by Pedro Pardo. How can politics and PwC continue to support safety?

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Angelien Eijsink about Safety

Our guests

was elected as member of the Dutch Parliament in 2003. Read more.

is a consultant at PwC working on the defence organisation of the future. Read more.

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Daniel de Jager

Daniel de Jager

Client Lead Partner, Ministerie van Defensie, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 575 87 57

Sanne Maas

Sanne Maas

Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 059 53 55

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