A conversation with Peter Blom about sustainability in the financial sector

Talking about societal challenges

Former CEO of Triodos bank and DNB commissioner Peter Blom and Milou Keijzer talk about making the financial sector more sustainable.

How can the financial sector support sustainability? How do you translate ambition into concrete impact? What can DNB do to gain insight into the financial sector's knowledge of climate impact? And what role can PwC play in supporting the transition?

Former CEO of Triodos Bank and commissioner of DNB Peter Blom and Young PwC professional Milou Keijzer discuss this. They talk about the challenges that lie ahead and the importance of working together to find solutions that work day-to-day. They are inspired by the World Press Photo winning photo by Hkun Lat, which shows the contrast between nature and culture, as well as the surrounding mining industry. How can the financial sector and PwC contribute to making sustainable ambitions within the financial sector?

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Peter Blom about sustainability in the financial sector

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has been a member of the Supervisory Board of De Nederlandsche Bank since September 1. Read more.

is a manager in PwC's ESG team. Read more.

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Joukje Janssen

Joukje Janssen

Partner, Sustainability, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 378 26 45

Milou Keijzer

Milou Keijzer

Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 235 60 89

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