Sustainability Hub

Making an impact with sustainability Upskilling

ESG - environmental, social and governance - and sustainability is more than ticking boxes. It's about making a difference for your business and the world. 

The next few years are critical according to the IPCC Working Group III report, and the time for action is now.

How we can help your transition to more sustainability-friendly practices

Whether you are at the start of your sustainability journey or well on your way, your people are at the heart of your transformation and building the knowledge and skills of your staff is the key to success.

PwC has supported a number of companies to navigate the internal and external challenges of sustainable transitions. We offer upskilling options ranging from off-the-shelf content to customised learning journeys, designed specifically for your teams.

Our approach includes three development needs employees require to change their behaviour in a lasting way.

Our suite of blended learning experiences

To make sure the learning ‘sticks’, we tailor learning journeys for each learning group, using a combination of ready-made learning modules (think foundational theory) with more interactive supplementary activities aligned with the group's goals and preferences. We offer a variety of formats for (digital) delivery, including:

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Self-paced e-learning modules to kick-start your learning journey (per industry sector)

Our ready-made suite of e-learning modules are designed as building blocks so you can easily create a course that works for your needs and learn at your own pace, making it a quick and cost-effective way to upskill your teams across the globe.

Modules can be bought separately by individuals or in packages by companies. All modules are available in two options: integrated into your own learning platform or made available using a subscription model (SaaS).

The Foundation level covers all the ESG risk fundamentals (starting with climate) and is the stepping stone towards the intermediate and advanced level trainings.

F1 What is ESG
F2a Climate basics
F2b Climate change
F3 Climate risk foundation
F4 Stakeholder expectations
F5 Net zero
F6 'Other' environmental risks
F7 Climate resilience

The Intermediate level training should be completed by staff whose activities are impacted by climate risk.

I1 EU actions related to sustainable finance
I1 EU actions related to sustainable finance - Insurance
I2 Climate risk management cycle
I3a Climate risk identification basics
I3b Climate risk identification tools
I4a Climate risk assessment - methods and tools
I4b Climate risk assessment - scenario analysis
I5 Climate risk steering
I6 Climate risk strategy
I7 ESG data for products
I8 ESG reporting essentials
I9 ESG products

The Expert level should be completed by staff whose activities are fundamentally changing due to climate risk and include deep dives into ESG regulations.

E1 EU taxonomy
E2 ECB Guide on CER
E3 Pillar 3 disclosures on ESG risk
E4 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
E5 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
E6 Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)
E7 Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD)

The Micro-learnings are short deep-dive modules of ESG regulations. They give an introduction to the regulation and cover the key aspects. 

M1 EU taxonomy
M2 ECB Guide on CER
M3 Pillar 3 disclosures on ESG risk
M4 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
M5 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
M6 Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)
M7 Double materiality
M8 International Sustainability Standards Board (ISBB)


Discover more about our learning paths in the webshop:

Foundation  Intermediate Expert         Microlearnings
The Foundation level covers all the ESG risk fundamentals (starting with climate) and is the stepping stone towards the intermediate and advanced level trainings The Intermediate level training should be completed by staff whose activities are impacted by climate risk. The Expert level should be completed by staff whose activities are fundamentally changing due to climate risk and include deep dives into ESG regulation. The Microlearnings are short deep-dive modules of ESG regulations. They give an introduction of the regulation and cover the key aspects.
F1 What is ESG I8  ESG reporting essentials E1  EU taxonomy M4  Taskforce on climate-related financial disclosures (TCFD)
F2 a: Climate basics
b: Climate change
    E5 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) M5 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
F3 Climate risk foundation         M7 Double materiality
F4 Stakeholder expectations            
F5 Net zero            
F6 'Other' environmental risks            
F7 Climate resilience            
Foundation  Intermediate Expert         Microlearnings
The foundation level covers all the ESG risk fundamentals (starting with climate) and is the stepping stone towards the intermediate and advanced level trainings The intermediate level training should be completed by staff whose activities are impacted by climate risk. The expert level should be completed by staff whose activities are fundamentally changing due to climate risk and include deep dives into ESG regulation. The microlearnings are short deep-dive modules of ESG regulations. They give an introduction of the regulation and cover the key aspects.
F1 What is ESG I1 EU actions related to sustainable finance E1 EU taxonomy M1 EU taxonomy
F2 a: Climate basics
b: Climate change
I2 Climate risk management cycle E2 ECB guide on CER M2 ECB guide on CER

F3 Climate risk foundation I3

a: Climate risk identification basics

b: Climate risk identification tools

E3 Pillar 3 disclosures on ESG risk M3 Pillar 3 disclosures on ESG risk

F4 Stakeholder expectations I4

a: Climate risk asessment methods and tools

b: Climate risk asessment scenario analysis

E4 Taskforce on Climate related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) M4 Taskforce on Climate related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

F5 Net Zero I5 Climate risk steering and monitoring E5 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) M5 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

F6 'Other' environmental risks         M6 Sustainable Finance Discloure Regulation (SFDR)
F7 Climare resilience         M7 Double materiality
F8 ESG products            
F9 ESG data for products            
Foundation  Intermediate Expert         Microlearnings
The foundation level covers all the ESG risk fundamentals (starting with climate) and is the stepping stone towards the intermediate and advanced level trainings The intermediate level training should be completed by staff whose activities are impacted by climate risk. The expert level should be completed by staff whose activities are fundamentally changing due to climate risk and include deep dives into ESG regulation. The microlearnings are short deep-dive modules of ESG regulations. They give an introduction of the regulation and cover the key aspects.
F1 What is ESG I1 EU actions related to sustainable finance E1 EU taxonomy M1 EU taxonomy
F2 a: Climate basics
b: Climate change
    E5 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

M4 Taskforce on Climate related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
F3 Climate risk foundation     E6 Sustainable Finance Discloure Regulation (SFDR) M5 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
F4 Stakeholder expectations     E7 Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) M6 Sustainable Finance Discloure Regulation (SFDR)
F5 Net Zero            
F6 'Other' environmental risks            
F7 Climate resilience            

Sneak peak of our Sustainability e-learning modules

Here’s a short video to give you an impression of our e-learning modules. If you are interested in a longer demo, contact us.

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Sustainability E-learning preview

How our upskilling programme benefits your organisation

  1. Prepare your organisation with the sustainability knowledge required to remain viable and meet financial and non-financial KPIs.

  2. Level up your workforce expertise with a solid sustainability foundation to continue to perform their roles through a mix of ready-made e-learning modules and tailor made training to remain relevant. 

  3. Specific learning journeys, built to meet the learning needs of different target audiences - basic knowledge through to deep expertise. 

  4. Content designed by experts in sustainability, learning & development, user experience across industries. 

  5. A holistic, integrated learning approach to sustainability that goes beyond compliance and risk mitigation and moves towards opportunity and growth.


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Sophie de Vries

Sophie de Vries

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 236 48 24

Kees-Jan de Vries

Kees-Jan de Vries

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 069 68 28

Saskia Vos

Saskia Vos

Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 31 48

Magda Chrysoulis-Stegeman

Magda Chrysoulis-Stegeman

Senior Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 86 70
