Sustainability & Technology

Sustainable progress: a selection of our successful tools

At PwC we believe that a combination of people and technology is the key to success. This is why we link our expertise in the field of sustainability with the best tools to bring sustainable progress closer with each step.

From biodiversity to net zero, from CSRD to green taxes, PwC has the best tooling for every challenge. Check out all our tools in the field of ESG and sustainability.

Sustainability & Technology

Biodiversity Impact Screening Tool

Biodiversity Impact Screening Tool measures effect of your daily operations

Insight to determine the right goals, interventions and strategies to increase your positive impact on biodiversity: PwC’s Biodiversity Impact Screening Tool helps companies in a transparent and accessible way, taking the financial administration as the starting point.

Lees meer over de ‘Biodiversity Impact Screening Tool’

Biodiversity Impact Screening Tool
Sustainability Reporting Manager

Sustainability Reporting Manager

From sustainable words to eco-friendly actions

It can be difficult for companies to gain a clear insight into their current compliance levels. The CSRD requirements for companies are comprehensive, complex, detailed and new; those who dive in head first may soon lose sight of the bigger picture. PwC’s Sustainability Reporting Manager will support you in bringing detailed information from various sub-areas together while retaining a proper overview

Lees hoe de Sustainability Reporting Manager kan helpen

Geospatial Climate Intelligence-tool

Helps to measure and predict physical climate risks

Technology that helps predict the frequency and gravity of climate risks for companies – that’s the strength of the Geospatial Climate Intelligence tool. The predictions are then assessed based on various IPCC scenarios, followed by a robust analysis that is essential to the long-term strategy and future-proofing of your organisation.

Read more about how this tool is used in practice

Geospatial Climate Intelligence-tool
Climate Excellence-tool

Climate Excellence Tool

Preparing investment portfolios for climate change

The Climate Excellence Tool analyses climate scenarios and supports investors and companies in preparing their portfolios for the risks and opportunities of climate change. It allows them to realise value increases, manage risks well, develop robust reporting and establish a sustainability strategy for the long term.

Climate Excellence Tool

Interested in such an analysis for your company?

Green Taxes & Incentives Tracker

All environmental taxes and incentives in one overview

The Green Taxes & Incentives Tracker provides valuable insight into various environmental taxes and incentives, and enables companies to identify their global exposure to green taxes and incentives. The tool helps PwC’s clients understand how net zero transformation will affect their investment strategy, transparency, compliance obligations and subsidy & incentive opportunities.

Take a look at this tool

Green Taxes & Incentives Tracker
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Wendy van Tol

Wendy van Tol

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 353 44 50
