Customer experience

Customer experience as a competitive advantage

Customer expectations have changed faster than most organisations have been able to adapt. For 80% of consumers speed, convenience, knowledgeable help and friendly service are the most important elements of a positive customer experience, and 73% say customer experience is an important factor in their purchasing decisions.

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Global Consumer Insights Survey 2019 - Introducing 'Return

Welcome to the experience age

On-demand, 24x7, personalized, self-service and device agnostic service delivery is the new norm - no longer a nice-to-have. Designing frictionless, human centered services will amplify your brand in the ‘experience age’. Moreover, consumers say they are willing to pay a 16% price premium for a good customer experience - with increased loyalty as a bonus on top of that. 

Our experience consultants can support you with engaging consumers and deliver end-to-end experiences that help to grow your business: 

  • Customer insights, and experience strategy;
  • Design and accelerated digital delivery;
  • Service design, service innovation, and new business models;
  • Measurement, analytics and optimisation of consumer service.

Retail Clienteling Solution

PwC’s Retail Clienteling Solution, powered by Salesforce, is a cloud-based platform that helps retailers deliver a differentiated, personalized, and seamless experience to their customer. 


  • Deliver a consistent brand experience by creating an enterprise view of the customer based on transaction history
  • Enables associates to create virtual “fitting rooms” and “look books” of preferred styles, wish lists, or top selling products
  • Delivers a seamless experience for customers and associates with omni-channel appointment scheduling
  • Connects front-office and back office solutions to produce advanced real-time analytics to help unify interactions across channels
  • Alleviates training demands and resource intensive onboarding with streamlined processes for user experience and intuitive design

Contact us

Berry Driessen

Berry Driessen

Experience Consulting Lead, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)63 987 32 71

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Timo Koenen

Timo Koenen

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)63 987 30 65
