Data driven marketing

Marketing and Sales remains the vanguard of many businesses’ commercial models today, yet both disciplines are evolving rapidly to changing customer behaviors and expectations, and new digital technologies. We help our clients ensure that their marketing and sales strategies and operations are aligned to the rapidly changing behaviors and channel usage of today’s customer and are integrated with service and operations in a way that drives increased effectiveness and efficiency.

Do you need help in streamlining marketing and sales, hereby automating manual intensive processes such as segmentation, email campaign, social media integration and sales/lead optimization.

How we can help

  • Marketing strategy and experience design;
  • Data-driven marketing or marketing automation;
  • Quantifying and measuring Return on Invesment of marketing, brand or experience investments empowered by customer insights and analytics;
  • Real-time brand valuation;
  • Digital customer insights and analytics.

Supplier Marketing Community Solution

PwC’s Supplier Marketing Community, powered by Salesforce, is an intuitive and user-friendly solution leveraging Salesforce Communities, which provides suppliers a “one-stop-shop” for personalized, real-time marketing campaign information. 


  • Reduce Dependency on Multiple Systems – Provides a “single source of truth” for suppliers and buyers. 
  • Data-Driven Decisions – Insight into analytical data allows users to determine the best programs to participate in. 
  • Resolve Issues Effectively – Suppliers are empowered to resolve their own concerns using Knowledge & Service Cloud.

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Timo Koenen

Timo Koenen

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)63 987 30 65
