Privacy Expert Support

Streamlining privacy for long-term success with PwC’s expert support

Privacy has become an inescapable reality of the current digital landscape. Organisations with the ability to adapt and go beyond regulatory compliance can turn Privacy into a strategic advantage that can foster trust, promote transparency, and drive growth. In enabling organisations with this strategic advantage while harvesting the power of data, setting strong foundations for the daily privacy operations of an organisation is vital in building a robust privacy program.

Building resilient privacy operations involves leveraging privacy as a strategic asset, transforming challenges into opportunities for improvement and innovation. This shift in perspective is crucial for privacy teams who are often faced with a multitude of tasks in their daily activities, which include:

  • Setting up and performing privacy assessments, such as Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs), Transfer Impact Assessments (TIAs), and Legitimate Interest Assessments (LIAs)
  • Ensuring a compliant Records of Processing Activities (RoPA)
  • Conducting training and awareness programs to foster a privacy-conscious culture
  • Handling Data Subject Requests (DSRs) to uphold data subject rights
  • Implementing Privacy by Design principles into the design and architecture of IT systems and business practices
  • Developing a comprehensive personal data breach response plan to minimise adverse impacts and ensure legal compliance
  • Creating and revising privacy policies to ensure understandability and compliance
  • Assessing and managing the privacy risks associated with third-party vendors

These and more privacy operations are crucial for a successful privacy strategy, serving as the cornerstone upon which a strong foundation can be built for future operations and overall privacy program. In carrying out these activities, privacy teams must be enabled with a deep understanding of current trends, the needs of the organisation, the applicable regulatory obligations, and beyond - ensuring personal data is used effectively while also safeguarding personal information.

In navigating the landscape of data privacy, the addition of expert guidance can support organisations’ privacy teams in leveraging the opportunities of data while ensuring customer trust - transforming the intricacies of privacy management into a strategic driver for growth and innovation. PwC’s privacy experts are equipped with multidisciplinary expertise, bringing an external perspective that can empower organisations to revamp privacy strategies, anticipate and prioritise crucial privacy initiatives, ultimately solidifying the foundation of privacy programs.

Our experts can also support your organisation as the appointed Data Protection Officer

Do you want to learn more about Privacy Expert Support?

Contact us

Bram van Tiel

Bram van Tiel

Partner Cybersecurity & Dataprivacy, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 243 29 62

Angeli Hoekstra

Angeli Hoekstra

Partner Cybersecurity & Privacy, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)63 086 15 22

Mimoent Haddouti

Mimoent Haddouti

Cybersecurity Partner, PwC Netherlands

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