Privacy technologies

Privacy enhancing and management technologies: supporting organisations leveraging technology in their data privacy journey

In the digital transformation era, organisations are actively prioritising their privacy initiatives. During this journey, the quest for enhancing user experience, improved efficiency and cost reduction drives many organisations to embrace new technologies for their privacy governance and operations. At PwC, we have designed a service portfolio for supporting organisations who are looking to explore the privacy enhancing and management technologies in the market. We operate independently from any technology vendors, ensuring we advise privacy enhancing and management solutions that are tailored to your environment and needs.

How can we help your organisation?

  • We assist in evaluating the state and maturity of privacy for your organisation and identifying and reporting on specific needs that a privacy enhancing/management solution can address

  • We provide organisations with a thorough overview and understanding of existing privacy enhancing and management technologies and assist in identifying suitable solutions tailored to your needs. In addition, we provide hands-on support throughout the implementation process. Our established alliances with various partners allows us to offer a wide range of options for implementing these tools while remaining independent in tooling selection

  • We offer support in creating and implementing a framework for managing the privacy enhancing and management solutions, as well as developing policies, procedures and templates to support the operational activities

  • We offer support in conducting training and awareness sessions to familiarise the organisation with privacy enhancing and management solutions and enable them to use them as part of their daily operations.

Do you want to know more about Privacy technologies?

Contact us

Bram van Tiel

Bram van Tiel

Partner Cybersecurity & Dataprivacy, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 243 29 62

Angeli Hoekstra

Angeli Hoekstra

Partner Cybersecurity & Privacy, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)63 086 15 22

Mimoent Haddouti

Mimoent Haddouti

Cybersecurity Partner, PwC Netherlands

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