Digital transformation is about people. People who are in touch with each other, who work together, who purchase and provide services, who manufacture and buy products. Technology is changing the way people stay in touch, and your organisation will have to respond to these changes. PwC can support you with each of the three pillars: commercial operations, customer experience, and technology.
Digital transformation begins and ends with end-user experience. How do you usually take the first step from strategy to daily operations, from industry to individual? Our Experience Center allows you to experience what an organisational change will mean for your customers, buyers, or employees. Prototyping, mock-ups, and simulations helps you rapidly gain insight into the next step in your transformation process.
Not only are business experts available to you at our Experience Center, you also have access to programmers, user experience designers, industrial designers, and other creative professionals. They introduce new work processes. Through agility, the lean start-up method, and design thinking, we help you explore the impact of digital transformation. What insights will you discover at the Experience Center? We would be pleased to help you build the foundation for your digital transformation.
Digital transformation is sometimes a comprehensive project that overhauls a business from top to bottom, from the IT department to product development and customer contact. More often, though, digital transformation is a series of initiatives undertaken in small, iterative steps, each of which helps the business make better connections with the digital world.
Our specialists support you with every step of your digital transformation, from strategy through execution. Some examples include redesigning your business strategy or supply chain, your plan for dealing with legacy IT systems, and change management for employees. We would be glad to join you in thinking about the possibilities.
Mona de Boer
Partner, Data & Artificial Intelligence, PwC Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)61 088 18 59