2021/2022 Annual Report

in search of connections

It is with mixed feelings that I think back over the past year. While the lifting of the lockdown made it possible for us to do more again, by the end of February we were faced with the conflict in Ukraine. This conflict has impacted us all and its effects on the global economy will continue to be felt in the year ahead too.

These kinds of events create uncertainty for us as a company and for our clients, stakeholders and colleagues. That’s why it is so crucial to make connections in these challenging times – to join forces and find solutions. Such an approach requires us to abandon certainties and embrace uncertainties, to really listen, and to trust our collective competencies and perspectives. We need to focus on the factors that connect us, not those that set us apart.

Within this dynamic, it is our colleagues who make the difference, whether they're young or old, just starting out or highly experienced. I'm really proud of the way they’ve worked each and every day with our clients over the past year to seek the best solutions. And they will be doing the same in the year ahead.

Agnes Koops-Aukes
Chair, board of management PwC Netherlands

The Story of Tomorrow

An image or photo can often help clarify what we wish to say and this certainly applies to the five themes at the core of our 2021/2022 Annual Report. Five PwC staff members share a photo that represents their personal motivation and inspires them in their work. By – literally – putting up their chosen photograph on the wall they have jointly created an exhibition which we have called ‘The Story of Tomorrow’.

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Nynke Vries on sustainable progress

Sustainable progress

The world is facing major challenges in terms of climate, biodiversity and equality. It is essential that we work together if we are to keep our planet liveable for future generations. The business community cannot lag behind and that obviously includes PwC. As an accountancy firm, we play an increasing role in advising on ‘green figures’.

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Selwyn Moons on trust


Trust is the link that connects people, organisations, clients, stakeholders and the world. You earn trust through every interaction you engage in, through every experience you share, through every relationship you establish, and through every solution you come up with. The high quality of PwC’s work serves as the firm foundation of our contribution to public trust.

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Krista Koeleman on inclusion


Inclusion is much more than the sum of its parts. Working and living together in a safe environment offers added value. We strongly believe in the power of an inclusive culture. For us, inclusion doesn’t just mean an organisation with lots of diversity. It’s also about bringing together the right qualities and talents to solve issues with passion, knowledge and skill.

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Fayaaz Adalat on equality


Equality has a prominent place on the political agenda at PwC and that of many organisations. The pandemic increased inequality and at the same time made it more visible. Moreover, climate change and the current crises are creating further disparities as regards well-being and opportunity, having a major impact on our clients and on society in general.

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Marcel Jakobsen on technology


Disruptive innovation can be the source of progress, and technology plays an important role in tackling the many challenges we face. We are striving for a future led by people and powered by technology. By combining human ingenuity with technology we can develop intelligent and better solutions more quickly.

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‘At PwC we do it all together, with 5324 colleagues. Towards even more sustainable results and an even greater contribution to society.’

Agnes Koops-Aukes, chair, board of management PwC Netherlands
Jaarbericht 2022

‘We achieved a better result than expected this year. We invest part of that in innovations and technology.’

Maarten van de Pol, CFO PwC Netherlands
Jaarbericht 2022

Projects to be proud of

Diamant Award 2022

Talent to the Top, a foundation that aims to make the upper echelons of Dutch business more inclusive, awarded PwC its 2022 Diamond Award for our inclusion and diversity policy. It’s an achievement of which we are genuinely proud. Working on inclusion and diversity since 2006 we’ve come to realise that diversity is not possible without inclusion. Our focus is therefore on working towards an inclusive culture.

Read more about our I&D policy

Sustainable aviation fuel

Last year, PwC became the first major company to switch completely to sustainable aviation fuel for all business air travel. For every litre of kerosene used on our flights, we pay for one litre of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Besides making our flights more sustainable we are also striving to reduce mobility. The goal is to maintain a reduction of at least 25% while aiming for a 50% reduction by 2030.

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TU Delft subsidy schemes

In collaboration with Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), data analysts at PwC have developed a calculation tool that makes the complex subsidy scheme process much easier to handle. The complexity of the many calculation rules, combined with multiple datasets from different sources, made the process convoluted and time-consuming. TU Delft is now being asked to give master classes on project management to other universities.

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Prospects in the troubled housing market

To evaluate access to housing in the Netherlands, financial services advisor BLG Wonen joined forces with PwC to develop the Access to Housing Monitor [Woontoegankelijkheidsmonitor]. This tool provides specific information about housing access in a particular area or at the level of target groups.

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Contact us

Thomas Galestien

Woordvoerder, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)64 242 51 45

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