Our Community Program

We want to contribute to society by sharing our knowledge, skills, and competencies with social organizations on a pro bono basis and during working hours. 

Our main objectives for the Community Program are:

Strengthening social organizations by helping them professionalise and solve complex societal challenges.

Developing our people by broadening their perspective and enabling them to have a meaningful impact on society.

Strengthening the community by promoting integration, focusing on future skills ('New World, New Skills'), and fostering an impact-oriented culture within PwC and our clients.

We aim to dedicate 12,000 hours to pro bono initiatives every year.

Maximising our impact

We want to maximise our impact on society by focusing on equal opportunities within our pro bono projects. Specifically, we aim to support social organizations that contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Impact-first organisations learn from us and we learn from them

We are in the process of transforming ourselves into a purpose-led and values-driven organisation. Social organisations (such as social enterprises or foundations) have been doing this from the beginning, and they inspire us during this transformation process. We use the SDGs as a benchmark to measure our impact.  

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more about the opportunities to collaborate and make a social impact. You can do so by sending an email to nl_community_program@pwc.nl

Equality of opportunities

Equality and diversity are high on the political agenda and on the agenda of many organisations. The pandemic has increased inequality and made it more visible. In addition, the world is becoming increasingly complex every day as technological developments follow each other at a rapid pace. Not all people in our society are able to keep up with these developments. To contribute to solving social problems, we do pro bono work to help social organisations that aim to reduce the opportunity gap. Some of our pro bono projects are highlighted next:

  • Supporting the Food Banks through activities such as benchmark analysis and research on how the foundation can attract more volunteers.
  • Supporting Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland (Refugee Work Netherlands) in their digital transformation. 
  • Supporting the Kindertelefoon (Child Helpline) in data privacy management and providing governance support in the context of a new collaboration.

Stichting What Matters 2U

e believe that supporting societal organisations is important, even outside of work. In 2012, PwC's partners set up the What Matters 2U foundation. The collegues who work for the societal organisations/ initiatives that are a part of What Matters 2U, recieve a helping hand through the donation. 

More about Stichting What Matters 2U

Contact us

Annerieke Nijenhuis

Senior Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 295 53 53

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