In this rapidly changing world, innovation is crucial in order to be relevant in the future. Also within PwC innovation takes many different forms. On this page you will find information about our company's internal innovation programme, our services within the field of innovation and our partnership with the startup ecosystem and trends.
Our purpose is to build trust in society and to solve important problems. For us, innovation is finding new ways to achieve this purpose, by making use of new technologies and methods. Innovation sits at the core of our work and services. Only through innovation can we remain relevant and be able to best serve our customers.
More information about our company's internal innovation programme.
Spin-offs and start-ups are an important part of the innovative strength of both the technology industry, as well as the Dutch economy as a whole. Our specialists assist startups at an early stage in their life cycle. We advise on the design of the financial management or organizational structure and stand by the startup at every stage of its development. We also work with startups on innovative solutions for our customers and ourselves.
We realise that not everyone can develop and maintain software. We therefore seek out alliances with technology partners (at the same level as our international network). We have now signed agreements with major players such as Google, Workday, SAP, Oracle and Salesforce. The aim of these partnerships is to develop products and services that support our customers with their transformation processes.
We have an innovation network with innovative professionals from different companies.
Innovation Professionals can debate about trends and ways in which to address innovation within your organisation. We also conduct, on a yearly basis, a survey about the innovation climate in the Netherlands.
What do megatrends mean for now and for the future. What are the consequences of megatrends for our customers, for us and for society?
We analysed more than 150 technologies which, worldwide and cross-industry, will have the most impact on the world. Eight technologies emerged that will have a major impact on all aspects of your business model in the coming years.