Modular ESG upskilling program

Learn more about the impact of ESG on your organisation

We offer a complete ESG upskilling program. The program consists of 4 modules, each with a duration of 8 hours. All modules include a classroom session with interactive breakout groups and individual and team assignments. Your participation in the training program increases and anchors your knowledge and skills in the areas of:

  • developing a solid ESG strategy for your organisation; 
  • implementing the ESG strategy in your organisation; 
  • reporting on your ESG objectives according to European laws and regulations.

For whom?

The modules have been developed for directors and board members, CFOs, Sustainability officers, those responsible for implementing ESG regulations, (business) control teams, internal auditors and compliance officers. The modules are tailored to financial, commercial and public institutions.

Our trainers

The trainers are PwC professionals with leading knowledge and experience in the field of ESG and sustainability.

Module 1: ESG introduction

This module provides insight into the context and content of the most important regulations that affect your organisation (CSRD & EU-Taxonomy). Also, the impact on your organisation becomes clear: what are the risks and opportunities for your strategy, operations and reporting. And, how do you determine the most important first steps? After this module:

  • you are aware of the most recent ESG developments and know which goals and regulations apply to your organisation; 
  • the impact of the ESG regulations on your organisation, including the opportunities; 
  • you have an indication of which important first steps you can to take to manage this impact; 
  • you have enough inspiration to engage in a conversation with your stakeholders.

We strongly advise you to follow the Introduction module first. This way you have sufficient prior knowledge for one or more of the follow-up modules.

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Module 2: ESG strategy

How do you translate ESG regulations and sustainability goals into your strategy?

It is important that you have an initial overview of the impact of the regulations on your strategy, business operations and reporting. Think of the NFRD/CSRD/CSDDD, EU Taxonomy and SFDR. Subsequently you need to convert this into your ESG strategy, with concrete goals and actions that suit your organisation. After this module:

  • you have identified, prioritized and validated your organisation's material themes; 
  • you can determine where your internal organisation currently stands in relation to the external ESG ecosystem; 
  • you know the importance of SDGs for your organisation; 
  • you set challenging, impactful ESG goals for your organisation; 
  • you have determined the first steps in developing your ESG strategy for a sustainable future.

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Module 3: ESG transformation

Have you determined an ESG strategy and are you looking for ways to implement it in your business processes and governance? Do you already have an overview of the ESG regulations that you must comply with, but are you wondering how to get the necessary non-financial information from your organisation into your reports?

This module in our ESG program helps you with the transition from desired strategy to the reality of reporting. After this module:

  • you know the starting point of your organisation and the most important steps for the transformation from ESG ambitions to ESG goals and KPIs to reporting; 
  • you understand what is needed for a successful transformation within your organisation, including factors such as organisational culture and governance; 
  • you are inspired by examples from similar organisations.

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Module 4: ESG reporting

Of course you already report on the economic value your organisation adds. But how does your organisation contribute to a healthy and sustainable, natural and social world? By showing this contribution in a sustainability report, you create more trust with your stakeholders and you can comply with current European ESG regulations. In this module you will learn the most important steps to report on this non-financial information. After this module:

  • you are familiar with the voluntary standards such as GRI and SASB; 
  • you have a global insight into setting up an ESG operating and reporting system; 
  • you have tools for drawing up a sustainability report that complies with the most recent ESG regulations (GRI).

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Do you already have sufficient knowledge on the ESG topics from one or more modules? It is also possible to follow stand-alone modules from the upskilling program. Together we can create a tailored program. Would you prefer a blended program for your organisation? Combine the modules with our ESG e-learnings!

Are you interested in one of these modules or the total ESG upskilling program for your organisation?

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