Community of solvers: actions are more sustainable than words

The challenges of the future require action and a different perspective. Our community of solvers examines these complex issues from all angles to come up with sustainable solutions. This is how we turn ambition into action. Together, we ensure that your actions matter.

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Sustained outcomes

45% of Dutch CEOs see climate change as one of the most important reasons to adapt the business model of their organization. The challenges of the future now require action and a different perspective.

Our community of solvers examines these complex issues from all angles to come up with sustainable solutions. This is how we turn ambition into action. Together, we make your actions count.

45% of Dutch CEOs see climate change as one of the main drivers for change. The challenges of the future require action and a different perspective.

Read the results of PwC’s 27th CEO survey

Sustainable actions

PwC professionals Wineke Ploos van Amstel-Haagsma, Anouar Ouali and Keetie van der Torren-Jakma discuss sustained outcomes. What are they seeing in the market, what is PwC doing as an organisation, and how does our approach help other organisations make progress? Watch here.

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Discover how we realise sustained outcomes:


Building trust is necessary for both organisations and society as a whole. And trust has never been more important. In a rapidly changing world, trust plays a major part in solving challenges and conflicts. Trust is the basis for cooperation, strong relationships, better communication, increased productivity and, ultimately, solutions that are accepted by all those involved. 

Read how our community of solvers is supporting the Dutch tax administration (Belastingdienst) in regaining trust.

Case study: Belastingdienst


Have the rules of the environment in which your organisation operates changed or become less clear? Addressing such developments demands fresh perspectives and a different approach. You need to adapt your organisation and focus on creating value in the long term. Instead of aiming for quick wins, work towards lasting results that make a difference. Successful business transformations go beyond financial matters alone – they also, and especially, involve a focus on issues such as culture, digitalisation, sustainability and (socio-)economic developments. This is how you achieve a transformation that works. 

Read how our community of solvers is supporting Roompot in its business transformation and merger with Landal.

Case study: Roompot


Sustainability involves more than good intentions and ambitions. It’s about making a difference – for your organisation, your stakeholders and society as a whole. Achieving sustainable results that not only profit organisations but benefit everyone involved. Solutions that generate value and stimulate growth, while improving our environment and society. 

Read how our community of solvers helped drinking water company Vitens set up and further develop its sustainability reporting.

Case study: Vitens

From sustainable ambitions to sustainable actions

Get started with CSRD, net zero and nature

Community of solvers: actions are more sustainable than words

Vidur Goerdat, Keetie van der Torren-Jakma, Guido van Aardenne, Waithera Kinyeki, Ellen McCready and Lex Huis in het Veld are part of our community of solvers. Find out what sustained outcomes mean to them, and how they translate ambitions into actions in their daily activities.

'To me, sustained outcomes mean continuously striving for a better future and greater awareness of the ways in which you can have an impact.'

'Sustained outcomes aren’t simple and are different for every organisation. Each organisation requires a custom solution while heading for the same goal.'

'Sustainability goes beyond compliance and ticking legal obligation boxes. The proper integration of sustainability can set organisations apart from their competitors.'

'I help many organisations identify the material, financial and non-financial costs and risks in a world that is increasingly integrated and mutually dependent.'

'Although thinking outside the box is needed, sustained outcomes should also fit within the wider environment and strategy of the organisation.'

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Combine conceptual strength and decisiveness in our community of solvers

Our community of solvers is at the heart of The New Equation

Our people make the difference in our services. They form our community of solvers and are the core of our strategy 'The New Equation'. Trust and sustained outcomes are central to this. Together, trust and sustained outcomes lead to greater relevance.

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Actions are more sustainable than words

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Agnes Koops-Aukes

Agnes Koops-Aukes

Voorzitter raad van bestuur, PwC Netherlands

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