Community of solvers: human-led, tech-powered

Where human ingenuity and technology come together… new perspectives are born. That unique collaboration creates the best solutions

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Human ingenuity + technology = best solutions

Nowadays, technology appears to be the answer to every challenge. At PwC, we see that from a slightly different perspective. Certainly, technology offers new perspectives and possibilities, but it does not replace us as humans. To utilize the full potential of technology and make the right choices, we can’t do this without everything that makes us human: focus, understanding and empathy. The best solutions for the complex challenges you and society face, are born when we connect technology with our human ingenuity. That’s what we call human-led,  tech-powered.

56% of the CEOs worldwide assume that technological changes will be the biggest driver for reinvention

Read the findings from PwC’s 27th CEO Survey

What does it mean to be human-led, tech-powered? 

At PwC, we combine the expertise of our teams with technological tools and capabilities. We invest in increasing our talentpool and commit to training our employees and further developing their technological capabilities. We also invest in the development of proprietary tools and join forces with technology alliance partners. This allows us - regardless of our customers' needs - to always offer the right combination of skills, expertise and technology.

Whether accelerating creativity through the power of cloud computing, supporting decision-making with data and analytics or complementing emotional intelligence with artificial intelligence, success depends on the balance between humanity and technology. By combining technological innovation and human ingenuity, we achieve results that make a real difference.

Cloud and digital community of solvers posing together

Discover here how we use our human-led, tech-powered approach for:

Trust and transformation

To meet the changing demands of clients, employees, the economy and society, you feel the pressure as an organisation to transform. To do so successfully, you need to combine human ingenuity with powerful technologies. The right balance between these elements creates brilliant ideas and impactful and valuable transformation. 

Transforming is doing something beyond the obvious. And requires a collaborative effort from people to do something different, to lower costs or to realise growth. It’s about developing skills and the availability of the right tools to contribute to the transformation. So that your people develop themselves as part of the transformation. That starts with trust. Trust in each other and trust that technology won’t take our place. Trust that human ingenuity will continue to be necessary to get maximum results from new technological opportunities.

Case study: Belastingdienst

Culture and capabilities

As an organisation, you are under pressure to bridge a growing gap between the need and the availability of technical knowledge and skills. You are continuously looking for capabilities necessary to handle your short term challenges and to realise your long-term ambitions, from upskilling teams to collaborating with third parties. At the same time, you need to create a culture that attracts, retains and inspires divers talent. With that approach, technology can be part of the solution. 

When you combine different insights, skills and technologies, you can deliver real change. With effective leadership and the right people - with the right ambition and open attitude to learn and to listen - you create a culture that encourages the energy and the success of the transformation. By bringing together the best operational know-how and technology, new possibilities are born.

Case study: Roompot

Vision and value

Increasing challenges require you to look for visionary ways to adjust your strategies. To protect existing value and to create and deliver new value. Harness your human ingenuity to find new opportunities and ways in which technology can support the realisation of successful deals and investments. By complementing in-depth industry and market experience of the right people with powerful data-driven insights and digital innovations, you obtain better insight in investment choices and new ways to create value.

It is crucial that innovation no longer originates only from extraordinary tech companies. The creativity, strategy and insight to utilize the value of technology needs to be the focus of all organisations. Yours as well. Because nowadays technology is a key component for any transformation. Digital solutions will strengthen human ingenuity: digital organisational models, digital products, digital services, digital connections, digital insights. You can’t afford to miss it.

Digital transformation

Determine where you want to go

Human-led, tech-powered: our community of solvers

Leonardo Cristalli, Rosanna Buckert, Christian Lieverse, Priyanka Dochibhotla, Mona de Boer and Gerwin Naber are part of our community of solvers. Read here what human-led, tech-powered means to them. And how they apply it to their daily practice.

'I believe that human-led, tech-powered is a way of life and an approach of current society.'

'My focus is helping our clients in times of business deals. At times like that, the process is very demanding and a lot comes their way.'

'I look at human-led, tech-powered as the way to help our clients with issues about the application of technology.'

'What I like about our human-led, tech-powered approach is that we use technology for the empowerment or enablement of a solution.'

'Solving important problems often requires you to deal with situations you have not encountered before.'

'We are at the dawn of a technological revolution, driven by artificial intelligence.'

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Our community of solvers is at the heart of The New Equation

Our people make the difference in our services. They form our community of solvers and are the core of our strategy 'The New Equation'. Trust and sustained outcomes are central to this. Together, trust and sustained outcomes lead to greater relevance.

Our community of solvers is at the heart of The New Equation

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Agnes Koops-Aukes

Agnes Koops-Aukes

Voorzitter raad van bestuur, PwC Netherlands

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