
Inspiration and awareness

By making the person behind the professional visible, sharing vulnerable and honest stories and discussing them with each other, we become more aware of our own behavior and we learn to appreciate each other's differences.

  • Storytelling: in response to the "Black Lives Matter" (BLM) movement, we had an internal letter exchange, initiated by our former board chairman Ad van Gils and followed up by several colleagues. They shared personal stories and experiences about unconscious prejudice, microaggressions and exclusion. The letters were shared with the entire organization and have been a launch pad for opening continuous dialogue on this topic.
  • Dialogue sessions: we organize dialogue sessions to become comfortable with discussing uncomfortable topics. In a safe setting we talk about topics such as inclusion, discrimination and what is needed for a safe working environment. The dialogue sessions help us step into each other's world and become more aware of our own biases.
  • Vlogs: we make vlogs about inclusion with personal conversations between employees, with our clients and collaborative partners. In this way we want to inspire, inform and activate our people to continue to engage with each other on this topic.

Training and coaching

Our training and coaching programmes help colleagues develop inclusive behaviour and encourage them to explore how they can contribute to an inclusive work environment.

  • Inclusive mindset learning’: this training course helps us develop the skills we need to be as inclusive as possible. Examples include being curious about each other, showing empathy, actively seeking different points of view for better decision-making, and appreciating each person's unique life experience.
  • Female leadership course: explores approaches to help our female leaders deal more consciously with gender-related differences and similarities in the workplace and support them in putting those themes on the agenda in an authentic way.
  • Talent to the Top cross-mentoring programme: the goal is to create learning relationships with mentors or mentees outside the organisation. Talented PwC  employees are paired to those in another organisation based on gender and/or cultural background. This cross-mentoring programme is an initiative of the Talent to the Top partnership (read more about this collaboration).


  • Agora cross-mentoring programme: we jointly organise an annual mentoring programme with the Agora Network in which participants learn about the different perspectives and backgrounds that everyone brings to work (read more about this collaboration here).
  • Talent sponsoring: talented female employees and talented employees with a diverse cultural background are linked to a partner or director with the aim of supporting those employees during their development within our organisation.
  • Workplace Pride mentoring and coaching: this new reverse mentoring and coaching programme has been introduced together with Young@WorkplacePride. Mentees learn from mentors and vice versa with a particular focus on younger colleagues. The reason for this is that research shows that young people go back into the closet when they start working and cannot be themselves as a result (read more about this collaboration here).




Agora crossmentoringprogramma: we organiseren samen met het Agora Network jaarlijks een mentoringprogramma waarin deelnemers leren van de verschillende perspectieven en achtergronden die een ieder meeneemt naar het werk. (lees hier meer over deze samenwerking).

Sponsoren van talent: we verbinden vrouwelijk talent en talent met een diverse culturele achtergrond met een partner of director om hen te ondersteunen bij hun ontwikkeling binnen onze organisatie.

Workplace Pride mentoring en coaching: we organiseren samen met Young@WorkplacePride een nieuw reverse mentoring en coaching programma. Hierin leert de mentee van de mentor en vice versa en is de focus met name op jongere collega’s. Reden hiervoor is dat uit onderzoek blijkt dat jongeren terug de kast ingaan als zij beginnen met werken en daarmee niet zichzelf kunnen zijn. (lees hier meer over deze samenwerking).


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Maarten van de Pol Vlog

Board member Maarten van de Pol about the importance of having an inclusive dialogue.

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Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten UAF Vlog

PwC in dialogue with Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten UAF

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The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Vlog

PwC in dialogue with The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Contact us

Jane Mary Mathew

Senior Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)63 987 32 61

Tarik Samandar

Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 238 19 39

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