Diversity & Inclusion self-paced learning journey

Creating an inclusive mindset

Recent research shows that businesses benefit from both inclusion and diversity, ensuring equal opportunities for all employees. How? 

  • Diverse businesses create better outcomes

  • Diverse teams are more innovative and create more value

  • Firms who have inclusion and diversity as a business priority improve their reputation and brand

  • Inclusive organisations have access to a bigger talent pool and employees feel more engaged

So, there is a clear upside to more inclusion within organisations. To become more inclusive, organisations should take action to build D&I competencies and capabilities in the workforce. And one way is to offer training diversity and inclusion training programs to employees. 

We have designed a self paced learning program for our clients: the D&I learning journey. This learning journey takes employees on a Diversity and Inclusion development path. The content in this learning path is based on the PwC global D&I program and will create a foundation for the behaviors and skills critical to harnessing the power of diversity, and working and leading successfully across differences.

For even more impact, the program can be tailored to your specific needs by adding peer learning and facilitated learning to the program.

Creating an inclusive mindset

‘I have had quite a few eye openers already and am curious to learn more. One of the quotes I already love: “we need to look through our differences to find equality within them”.

Employee D&I program PwC (2022)

‘I am motivated to make a change: now that I have understood it better, I can see it more clearly and I have learnt how to act upon it!’

Employee D&I learning journey 2023

‘The tips and tricks on improving D&I actually are very relevant for leadership in general’

Employee D&I learning journey 2023

Our solution and how we can help your organisation to become more inclusive

The online blended learning program consists of several components that provide new insights on D&I: widen your lens, create awareness, use empathy and take action. The content is sequenced and consists of various self paced learning interventions: employees learn in their own time. Learning interventions are offered via our platform (for example videos, articles and quizzes). It provides information on D&I and encourages employees to reflect on their own behaviours.

Participants of our D&I learning program build awareness of concepts that foster inclusive mindsets and behaviours. They learn to recognise how intersectionality, unconscious bias, privilege and micro-inequities can potentially impact individual experiences. They will value what makes each person unique, be more intentional about the diversity of their networks, and build authentic relationships through greater curiosity and empathy.

Diversity & Inclusion learning journey: overview learning program and objectives

To enhance the impact, consider expanding the program by adding classroom workshops to the online learning program.

The mix of learning interventions allows employees to reflect, but also gives them the opportunity to focus on what matters to them. The bite size learning interventions make it easier to learn continuously over a period of time and to integrate those lessons into their daily activities.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss further details to tailor the programme to the needs of your organisation.

This program is suitable for all employees within your organisation. The program can be deployed for the organisation as a whole or for business units or teams. The self-paced learning journey is in English, but peer learning and facilitated learning can be offered in Dutch.

Contact us

Magda Chrysoulis-Stegeman

Magda Chrysoulis-Stegeman

Senior Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 86 70

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