Sustainable decisiveness


Sustainable decisiveness:
from focusing on CO2 to a broad perspective on nature

Nature is our lifeblood. After all, over 55 percent of our global economy depends on nature. It provides the air we breathe, the water we drink, it ensures the fertility of the soil, and it is a source of inspiration for technology. However, the significant loss of biodiversity poses a threat with major consequences for both people and businesses. For organizations that want to be resilient, this means taking a sustainable step forward by embedding the importance of nature in their business strategy. Together, we make your actions count.

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Sustainable decisiveness: your strategic challenge is our expertise

Biodiversity & Business: these are the good practices of large Dutch companies

Companies and investors must focus on the enormous loss of biodiversity and implement measures that help nature recover. Large organizations such as Ahold Delhaize, Signify and Heijmans share their good practices in the report 'Biodiversity & Business - Challenges and good practices, a collaboration between PwC and the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO). How do these organizations increase their positive impact on biodiversity? From governance to policy and from implementation to reporting: get into action on biodiversity, just like them. Now is the time.

Download the report

Biodiversity Impact Screening Tool measures impact of day-to-day business operations on biodiversity

Insight to determine the right targets, interventions and strategies that increase your positive impact on biodiversity: the 'Biodiversity Impact Screening Tool' helps companies in a transparent and accessible way. From biodiversity to net zero, from CSRD to green taxes, PwC has the best tooling for every challenge.

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The ultimate power of the ecosystem

Where human ingenuity and technology come together, new perspectives emerge. This unique blend ensures the best solutions, which is why a sustainable ecosystem is so vital. Our collaborations make a big difference. For instance, PwC is a knowledge partner of the Dutch foundation for biodiversity recovery (Stichting Deltaplan Biodiversiteitsherstel), has a joint business relationship with system changer Metabolic, and a strong tech alliance with the likes of Oracle, SAP, Salesforce, Microsoft and Workday. This is how we provide the best solutions for every organisation and company, from strategy through to execution.

See all our tech alliances



From project to process, because integrating sustainability into strategy is a long-term process.

Read this client story

Major bank

Ensuring that the entire organisation has the right knowledge and skills requires upskilling for all employees.

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Transparent reporting and creating value wider than the financial result.

Read this client story

Five steps to anchoring nature in your company strategy

Map out what nature means for your company, what the current strategy is and how the playing field currently looks like. From regulations to a competitive analysis, it should not be missing when embedding nature in strategy. Next, understanding and managing your company's impacts and dependencies on nature is critical for ensuring long-term sustainability and risk management. All the information ultimately leads to developing a nature strategy as well as a transition plan. This is where PwC’s transformation experts clearly play an invaluable role. Supporting the development of tailor-made plans means you are not limited to environmental plans and ambitions, instead making a genuine transition to a nature-positive future.

Discover all the steps

Five steps to anchoring nature in your company strategy

Making sure your actions count too.

Ready for sustainable results?

PwC’s sustainable actions

In order to be and remain future-proof, it is necessary to integrate nature into the business strategy. This also applies to PwC. From the Centre for Nature Positive Business to adapting our own catering offering: discover how we are improving our impact on nature and what PwC's Corporate Sustainability Team is doing in the field of sustainability.

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Community of Solvers | Sustainable actions

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Alexander Spek

Alexander Spek

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 00 02

Thijs IJsbrandij

Thijs IJsbrandij

Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 19 67
