AI Strategy and Business Transformation

More work with less capacity

As an organisation it is vital that you have a clear insight into AI and develop a vision of how it can be embedded throughout your entire organisation. AI solutions can increase productivity and allow your company to do more work with less capacity. They can also help you anticipate developments such as customer behaviour, medical diagnoses and financial planning. Although AI will increasingly be part of the solution, solving problems is just the beginning. Success in the long term requires an AI-aligned strategy.

More work with less capacity

Tackling every step of your AI journey

Responsible AI

Now that capabilities of AI change daily, it is crucial that your organisation use AI in a responsible manner. We call this Responsible AI. Because AI can operate with increasing autonomy, unwanted risks can arise. With Responsible AI you keep those risks manageable. And ensure that you can explain to your clients, supervisory authorities and other stakeholders that your AI application functions in a safe, meticulous and responsible manner.

Read more about responsible AI

Generative AI

Generative AI generates new data based on existing data. With generative AI, you can create sound, text, imagery, videos and virtual worlds. Consider for instance the capabilities of ChatGTP. The power of Generative AI will only continue to expand, which will change business models and whole business sectors. Generative AI provides support for human decision-making processes, can increase productivity and reduce costs. We help you ensure Generative AI contributes to your organisational goals and functions in a way that suits your organisation.

Read more about generative AI

AI Strategy (strategy & business solutions)

AI solutions can increase productivity in your organisation, allowing you to do more work with less capacity. Solutions can also help anticipate issues such as customer behaviour, medical diagnoses and financial planning. AI will more and more be part of the solution. But solving problems is just the beginning. Long-term success requires an AI-aligned strategy. We can help you set it up and implement it.

Read more about AI Strategy

AI Lab being Human-Led and Tech-Powered

Our AI Lab is equipped to help you navigate and drive your transformation. Through our commitment to innovation, we offer a space to explore, interact, and learn about AI and its impact on your business. By understanding yours and the industry’s challenges, opportunities and trends, our Community of Solvers, AI experts and Tech Alliance Partners are here to create responsible and value driven AI opportunities together with you.

Read more about the possibilities of our AI Lab

AI Events

We regularly organize generative AI events, specifically designed for key decision-makers in various sectors. Our events focus on the latest generative AI solutions, emerging challenges, and innovative solutions to give your company a head start.

Read more about AI Events

How PwC can support you

PwC can help you design your AI vision and the associated AI strategy. Together we can identify strategic insights and align your corporate strategy with the latest technology. In doing so we focus on four main aspects:


Keeping senior management informed on the latest AI developments, the bottlenecks that AI can help resolve and the approach being taken by your competitors. Options for the near future will also be included.


Determining which AI options will best support your main goals.

Technology and talent

Building the right technology, including by partnering with AI software companies and upskilling your employees in AI-aligned capabilities.


Embedding issues like transparency and security within the AI systems in order to reduce errors and limit risks.  

Contact us

Mona de Boer

Mona de Boer

Partner, Data & Artificial Intelligence, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 088 18 59

Marcel Jakobsen

Marcel Jakobsen

Chief Digital Officer, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 206 60 16

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Contact us

Mona de Boer

Mona de Boer

Partner, Data & Artificial Intelligence, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 088 18 59
